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Yoga Retreat
Time is TBD
|Durrat Al Arous Villas
Take 2 days off in a lovely private beach, enjoy yoga, swimming, beach activity, relaxing, massage, DJ & much much more

الوقت والموقع
Time is TBD
Durrat Al Arous Villas, Dahaban 23861, Saudi Arabia
2 nights
SAR1500 Including the following: 5 sessions yoga Accommodation for 2 nights Water games All meals
SAR 1,500.002 nights
SAR1500 Including the following: 5 sessions yoga Accommodation for 2 nights Water games All meals
SAR 1,500.001 day retreat
Friday retreat enjoy a full day retreat with beach activities from 10 am till 10 pm
SAR 750.00
SAR 0.00
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